Thursday, December 28, 2006

Big event at Oaks Bottom Public House - December 27, 2006

Our Oaks Bottom Pub singing group is well into the Twelfth night festivities. Jim Parker, landlord for the OBPH, launched a new beer in honor of the Bridgetown Morris Men foreman, as mentioned in the Dec. 13 post. The session beer is called Hugo's Bitter and will be served at other Portland pubs as well, including the New Old Lompoc and the Horse Brass Pub, among others.

Our usual crowd of a dozen singers was augmented by a dozen more. At one point we moved back the tables and got a side to do some Morris dances. The event was covered by John Foyston, the Oregonian beer editor, and Tim LaBarge, the Oregonian photographer.

Here's our song list from that evening:
With a warm thanks to all who attended and contributed their good cheer, Happy New Year.


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